
The arrest of Andrew Tate: the ‘king of toxic masculinity’

Andrew Tate is everywhere and nowhere. While some may not have heard about the social media influencer, for many young people it can feel like he is all but inescapable – on chat shows, podcasts, YouTube and all over their social media feeds.

Tate, a former reality TV star, is known for making controversial and misogynistic statements, while dispensing advice to his followers on how men should behave. Charities and teachers say his videos and interviews are normalising damaging attitudes towards women – but his fans insist he is misunderstood.

The 36-year-old has been arrested as part of an investigation into human trafficking, rape and forming an organised crime group. But how was he allowed to broadcast his views so widely – and what lessons can we learn from this?

Andrew Tate, center, and his brother Tristan, leave after appearing at the Court of Appeal, in Bucharest, Romania, Tuesday, Jan.10, 2023.  (AP Photo/Alexandru Dobre)

Photograph: Alexandru Dobre/AP

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