
Letter: Plenty of media options for conservatives – Chico Enterprise-Record

I suppose it’s a shame that a local conservative letter writer may not be aware of the number of available reliably conservative news media outlets (“A closer look at media ‘bias’ claims”, ER Opinions, 1/19/23).  In his words – “So we have one or two recognizable outlets on the right and almost everything else immediately left.”

I feel conflicted about giving the following right-leaning and recognizable media outlets any more oxygen than they already have, but the writer might be interested in checking a few of them out.

Familiar and recognizable media outlets that generally ‘lean right’: The Epoch Times, FOX Business, New York Post news, The Wall Street Journal opinion, Washington Examiner & The Washington Times.  (There are four other fairly commonly listed – but less recognizable – right leaning media outlets that I did not include.)

Familiar and recognizable media outlets that are generally identified as ‘right’: The American Conservative, The American Spectator, Breitbart, The Blaze, Daily Mail, Fox News Channel, The Federalist, National Review, New York Post opkinion, Newsmax and OAN. (There are three other commonly listed – but less known – ‘right’ media outlets not included.)

On a more local level, the loss of one of two reliably more liberal ER Guest Commentary writers, Leonard Pitts (to retirement), has likely even shifted our local newspaper a bit more to the right.  Not a seismic change, perhaps, but it does put increased pressure on the one remaining “liberal” syndicated ER guest commentator, Cynthia Tucker, in carrying that torch.

— Mark S. Gailey, Chico



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