
The Biden Administration Just Proposed the Strongest Car Pollution … – Earthjustice

Cars are one of the largest sources of U.S. climate pollution. On April 12, the EPA proposed new car pollution standards, which will move us towards a pollution-free future. The rule will reinforce our country’s shift to electric vehicles, which EPA projects could make up two-thirds of car sales in the U.S. by 2032.

This new rule follows years of advocacy by Earthjustice and our partners, including a 2020 lawsuit that challenged the gutting of clean car regulations by the Trump administration. You can help clean up the air for all communities and fight the climate crisis by asking the EPA to further strengthen and implement these pivotal standards.

Why are car pollution standards important?

What is the Biden administration doing about car pollution?

How is Earthjustice pushing for cleaner cars and trucks?

  • Earthjustice has been advocating for strong car pollution standards for more than a decade.
  • Now we’re urging the Biden administration to make these standards even stronger and finalize them as quickly as possible. Major federal investments in electric vehicles, combined with fast-improving technology, make it possible to transition even more quickly to zero-emissions vehicles.
  • We are also calling on the administration to adopt similarly strong regulations on truck pollution. Trucks account for a quarter of transportation-related climate pollution, and they also emit heavy doses of nitrogen oxides, which damage hearts and lungs. Despite these health harms, the Biden administration has proposed a rule that would not require manufacturers to produce more zero-emissions trucks than are already projected.
  • We’ve also helped lay the groundwork for national progress by defending California’s authority to set stronger clean car standardsthan the federal government, and pushing California to lead the way towards a 100% zero-emissions future.


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