
Offline retailers accuse OnePlus of price disparity with online

Mainline retailers have accused OnePlus of pricing disparity on its products across online and offline channels. A national retailer body said the Chinese smartphone brand has created supply shortages in mainline retail, favouring its exclusive stores, large format retail (LFR), and online channels.

“Eyewash supplies to retailers, supplies to selective exclusive stores, ample availability of products on online channels with exclusive offers, full page advertisements pushing customers to exclusive stores are a retail sabotage and anti-competitive move by the brand,” said All India Mobile Retailers Association (AIMRA) in a letter dated April 12 to the brand.

The issue pertains to OnePlus bundling a free pair of wireless earbuds with its latest smartphone launched in April. The bundling offer, according to AIMRA, is only available at the brand’s exclusive stores, online channels, and in a few LFRs.

The letter adds that the brand’s moves raises a question mark on its intent which is depriving customers from buying the products from their preferred channels at competitive prices, forcing them to divert to exclusive channels.

OnePlus was not immediately available for a comment on the matter.


The retailer body, which represents 1.5 lakh mobile retailers across the country has demanded an immediate correction and redressal of retailer issues.The retailer body has also asked for product availability at the same time as other channels, with the same schematics across all channels be it retail, LFR, online, and exclusive stores.The letter is a follow up to previous correspondence in January, where the retailer body had demanded faster clearance of schemes, ample supply, and same pricing across channels.


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