
Witnessing The Mind

Our thoughts are a constant stream, so much so that we don’t need to seek freedom from external influences but from our mind. It’s easy to comprehend tangible objects, but how can we grasp the workings of the mind, a mere illusion that governs our world and actions?

Understanding the mind is not a quest for external knowledge, but a journey of self-discovery that takes us inward. It’s a journey that, once completed, allows us to transcend the mind’s influence. To truly comprehend your mind, you must embark on this journey, exploring the depths of your own consciousness.

We are always engrossed in activities, but the essential nature of the mind is to be detached. The temperament of this mind is such that no matter how hard we try to bind it to this world, it refuses to be bound. It remains dispassionate.

Watch your mind to see what kinds of thoughts come in it. Do not pass judgment on these thoughts. Your mind is a showman; it brings so many shows in front of you; watch these shows of your mind. Adopting an approach of witness, watch your mind and its activities like an observer, unattached. Don’t get carried away by those activities. When you view your mind as an observer, the mind will cease to be a problem and become a free entertainer. Be a witness to your mind, and only then will you come to know that you and your mind are different entities.


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