
Help us round up the greatest financial research puns of all time

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As the bleak midsummer simmers on, FT Alphaville has found itself thinking a lot about puns.

We know you (readers) like puns, you know we (“journalists”) like puns, but there’s a third group in this happy financial throuple: research producers.

The analysts, economists, commentators, cheerleaders and doom-mongers whose notes flood our inboxes each day are often partial to some skilful wordplay.

So, we have a simple proposal: we want to collate and celebrate the greatest-ever financial note puns.

But we need your help. Although FTAV’s collective inboxes run deep, they are by no means a comprehensive source of notes. Also, intentionally searching for puns is… tricky.

So, FTAV readers, if you recall a particularly fantastic pun (or you’re an analyst, feel unappreciated by clients, and want to talk your own pun book): please send it our way via (ideally with “Pun collection drive” as the subject). There’s also the comment box, or the postal system.

Three further points:
— If you can send the note itself, that would be wonderful. If not, a screenshot or solid-enough recollection will suffice.
— Please don’t send over puns from conventional media outlets (journalists are too full of themselves anyway).
— There will be a prize for the best submission.


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