
Two steps to compassion

Compassion is a sublime virtue and meditative practice. Compassion distinguishes itself from loving kindness because it extends beyond feelings of warmheartedness and goodwill toward others. It is the process of permitting ourselves to be profoundly affected by the pain and vulnerability that all living things share. Being truly compassionate entails being aware of pain and acting appropriately in response to it. It includes a sincere attempt to lessen suffering and improve the lives of others around us.

The cultivation of compassion involves two essential steps. Normally, we strive to distance ourselves from misery to avoid dealing with it directly. The first step is overcoming our innate tendency to run away from or isolate ourselves from sorrow. Rather, we deliberately decide to confront it head-on and let it impact us. It necessitates a shift in our mindset and a readiness to accept and relate to both our suffering and that of others. We grow in empathy for people who are suffering by turning towards their suffering, including our own.

Responding with compassion to suffering is the second step. Acting to alleviate or treat the pain rather than just expressing empathy. It entails proactively looking for solutions to deal with or lessen suffering-for us as well as for others. It is equally vital that we show ourselves compassion and kindness, acknowledge our frailties, and offer ourselves forgiveness and understanding.


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