
Attribution syndrome

There’s too much tendency to attribute to god the evils that man does of his own free will.’ Agatha Christie‘s famous quote speaks to the idea that people often blame their wrongdoings on a higher power or forces beyond their control. It is human nature to want to point the finger at someone else rather than take responsibility for our actions. However, it is important to remember that we have free will and are responsible for our choices. Whether we choose to do good or evil is up to us, and we should not deflect blame towards god for our wrongdoings.

Ultimately, we must take accountability for our decisions and accept the consequences. This universal proclivity to ascribe our wrongdoings and misdeeds to someone up there is escapism, known as attribution syndrome.

Terrorists across the world and in all religions invariably bring in god to justify their heinous and barbaric acts. Bringing in god as a catalyst or a facilitator in wrong deeds is not just unethical, it’s a spiritual crime. This also indicates a conspiratorial mindset.

Humans believe that a higher power has endowed them with prudence. Apply aql-e-saleem, Arabic for prudence, which has been urged by all faiths and scriptures. Own your mistakes, and don’t look towards a fictitious god to get away.


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