
Benton County Sheriff's Dispatch – Benton County Enterprise


Hello Benton County!


I have an admission, I quit watching the news for several months and withdrew from the garbage we call media. I am talking about the big news outlets, not our local news, I find them to be fair and accurate. They have always treated me well and reported the truth, no spinning of the story.


I found myself physically ill as I watched some of today’s current events. As the television faded on, the first thing I saw was Joe Biden on the world stage, cameras rolling as he rambled on. I wanted to turn it off, but that is one of the problems in today’s America, even here at home. We shouldn’t turn it off. We as Americans have “turned off”, tuned out and ignored what’s going on around us. It’s easy to lose yourself in the daily grind, we are all busy working, running the kids to practice, meetings and all the other hundreds of things that keep our heads down.


In my humble opinion, we, the American people, have allowed our government to run amuck for too long. We do not have the ability to hold our federal government accountable. Everyone can see the double standard that is practiced in the political arena, and the waste of taxpayer dollars. The list of national concerns is long, and it appears to go on with contempt. Despite the many red flags on the worldwide stage, those in power know that they will get away with their misdeeds.


The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer within each county, and the only constitutional law enforcement in America. I will explain that statement. City law enforcement is usually governed by a board made up of city council or aldermen. The chief is under the direction of that board and/or the mayor, so is managed by city government. The Missouri State Highway Patrol is managed by our state government. All the alphabet agencies FBI, CIA, ATF, the list goes on, all are run by the Federal government. The sheriff’s office is governed by the people, for the people, this is your office, just like all county offices should be.


I am Constitutional, an oath taker many times over. September 17th, 1787 was the date that most important document was signed, the United States Constitution. It stated, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” I am worried about our America and its current lack of justice, domestic tranquility, defense and concern about our general welfare.


We, as a sheriff’s office are peacekeepers first and law enforcement officers second. I afford my deputies the latitude to use heart and common sense along with the Missouri State statutes. I am not a fan of ticket writing. I do not believe in taxation through citation, but if you do need corrective action after a warning, you may get one.


The sheriff’s office is the only thing standing between you and the Federal Government. I will not take your guns, I did not and will not support the forced masking and unconstitutional mandates associated with Covid. I believe in the power of the people and freedom of choice.


I beg of you, please lift your head up. See what is going on around you. GET INVOLVED! Hold your office holders accountable, all of them. Ask questions, demand answers, your elected officials work for you, not the other way around. As always, stay vigilant, get to know your neighbors and be aware.


Sheriff Knox


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