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Casper Transit System proposes fare system overhaul – Casper, WY … – Oil City News

CASPER, Wyo. — The Casper City Council is set to discuss a major change in the city’s transit system at its meeting on Nov. 14. Casper Area Transit, operated by the City of Casper, is considering replacing its token system with a more efficient QR barcode card-based transit pass system.

Transitioning for Improved Efficiency

In June 2023, Casper Area Transit initiated efforts to transition from using tokens to QR barcode card-based transit passes. The primary goal behind this change is to enhance record-keeping and streamline the bus-riding process for both passengers and transit personnel, according to a memo prepared for the council.

Under the current token system, many individuals exchange or sell tokens informally, leading to inaccurate record-keeping. The proposed transition to transit passes aims to address this issue while also curbing reduced fare abuse, which currently occurs.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) mandates that transit agencies offering reduced fares to specific groups, such as seniors and individuals with disabilities, must ensure that only eligible individuals benefit from these discounts.

Casper Area Transit currently provides a 50% discount to eligible individuals during non-peak hours and a 25% discount to students. However, tokens have made it challenging to verify eligibility, as they can be used by anyone.

Improved Eligibility Verification

To resolve this issue, Casper Area Transit plans to implement a pass-based system that requires individuals to provide demographic information, including their eligibility for reduced fares.

Each rider will have an account with essential information, ensuring accurate determination of eligibility. Bulk purchases of rides will no longer be possible without prior documentation of individual users’ demographics.

Casper Area Transit will offer fare cards in various formats, including pre-paid cash balances, per-ride accounting, and monthly passes for fixed-route services.

Lost cards can be replaced for a minimum fee of $5. Riders are responsible for their cards, which are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Phasing Out Tokens

The transition away from tokens will necessitate a cutoff date. Casper Area Transit suggests March 4, 2024, as the date when tokens will no longer be accepted as a legitimate fare for ridership.

Agencies with unused tokens can convert them into transit card value with proof of purchase.

One significant benefit of the transition to renewable fare card passes is the elimination of the physical aspects of processing tokens, saving time and money.

Tokens require processing, cleaning, and sorting, with a substantial percentage being lost or discarded. In contrast, fare cards are more cost-effective and encourage reuse.

With City Hall under renovation, the council will meet at The Lyric, 230 W. Yellowstone Highway, at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be public and streamed on the City of Casper’s YouTube channel.


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