Real EstateUK housebuilders predict sector growth on Labour planning reformsJanuary 16, 2025Real Estate
Remote employees ‘don’t work as hard’, says head of world’s biggest commercial landlordOctober 24, 2023Real Estate
Goldman Sachs sees housing starts next year slumping to their lowest level since the early 1990sOctober 23, 2023Real Estate
How China’s property crisis has unfolded, from Evergrande to Country GardenOctober 23, 2023Real Estate
‘This is her opportunity’: governor Kathy Hochul could forever unmask New York’s financial criminalsOctober 22, 2023Real Estate
The housing market was already painful, ugly and anxious. Now the 8% mortgage rate is backOctober 21, 2023Real Estate
As mortgage rates hit 8%, home 'affordability is incredibly difficult,' economist saysOctober 20, 2023Real Estate
Owners equivalent rent is distorting inflation data, says UBS's Paul DonovanOctober 20, 2023Real Estate
The 10-year Treasury yield just crossed 5% for the first time since 2007. What that means for youOctober 20, 2023Real Estate
Want to move your family abroad? These are Europe’s most family-friendly citiesOctober 20, 2023Real Estate
Why everybody who’s anybody in Manhattan real estate relies on Jon MechanicOctober 20, 2023Real Estate
Tight housing supply means crash is unlikely, says Mortgage News Daily's Matthew GrahamOctober 19, 2023Real Estate
Chinese developer Country Garden misses payment on dollar bond, say creditorsOctober 19, 2023Real Estate
The 30-year fixed mortgage rate just hit 8% for the first time since 2000 as Treasury yields soarOctober 18, 2023Real Estate
Mortgage demand falls to the lowest level since 1995 as interest rates near 8%October 18, 2023Real Estate
Cain International CEO: We are close to the peak of the interest rate curveOctober 16, 2023Real Estate
Potential buyers waiting to see effect of higher rates on demand and pricesOctober 13, 2023Real Estate
Wealthy Americans are not affected by the housing crisis, says former FHA Commissioner StevensOctober 13, 2023Real Estate
Google is opening a cafe, store and event space to the general public near its headquartersOctober 12, 2023Real Estate
Mortgage rates near 8%, an 'inventory crisis': Homebuyers face a 'tricky' market, expert saysOctober 12, 2023Real Estate
China should boost consumption as real estate slump drags on, IMF says as it downgrades forecastOctober 12, 2023Real Estate
Extreme renting: Amsterdam’s two-tier system pits tenants against landlordsOctober 12, 2023Real Estate