
City of Pleasanton's Facebook page hacked | News | | – Pleasanton Weekly

The city of Pleasanton’s Facebook page was compromised on Thursday, according to a city spokesperson, who said that while nothing was posted by the unauthorized individuals who got into the page, years of posts were deleted.

The last post now up on the site is from back in 2018.

City communications manager Heather Tiernan told the Weekly that the city does not have much additional information at this time, the city is working to resolve the issue and secure the page and wanted to make sure people are cautious of any unusual posts that might come from the Facebook page.

“At this point we just want to make sure that our followers are aware and know not to respond to any messages that may come from our page,” Tiernan said.

According to a press release from Tiernan on Thursday afternoon, all of the other city-run social media pages.


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