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Cosmos our valentine

What happens when you are in love? Love means connection. When in love, you are always thinking of your beloved. Love means welfare of those whom you love and are ready to sacrifice anything for their happiness.

The entire cosmos runs on this energy of love. It treats everything equally, whole and complete, and is the well-wisher of every object floating in the universe. Love is the energy that keeps them going. In pure love, planetary objects don’t come so close to each other that they collide, nor do they move so far away where they cannot feel the gravitational energy of love.

They maintain an appropriate distance, continuously and consistently. That is why the cosmic play goes on for eons.

Krishn also states, ‘Samast Srishti bhavpoorn hai, bhav sey chalti hai’ -the entire cosmos is full of feel, runs on the feel of love, backed by the light of Supreme Intelligence that knows the qualities, attributes and configuration of each object.

Love effortlessly, spontaneously and unconditionally. Ultimate love is for love’s sake. We love without fear of mental, social or moral bondage. This highest form of love is guided by true wisdom and bestows bliss and joy. It is immortal and liberating.

Today is Valentine’s Day


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