DRIVERS have been urged to try an simple trick to prevent burning their fingers on a hot steering wheel this summer.
Some controls are made from leather, which can absorb heat when the temperature rises.
And if a car has been left out and exposed to the sun in the hot weather it is likely to heat up the wheel – making it painful to touch.
This could delay the motorist’s journey as they wait for the leather to cool down before they sit at the helm.
But there is an incredibly easy trick to get around this problem, according to a TikTok clip which has gone viral.
They say all the driver has to do is simply rotate the wheel 180 degrees as soon as they park – and before they leave their car in the glorious sunshine.
By twisting the steering wheel around, it will place the base of the steering wheel in the sun, keeping the top half – where drivers place their hands – in the shade.
The tip may be timely for many as the UK is currently enjoying a spell of nice and balmy weather.
According to the Met Office, large parts of the south and southeast hit 22C on Sunday.
The TikTok user @cars_n_brahs said: “Here’s a tip for you if you’re driving around in this heat.
“If you don’t have a visor whenever you park, turn your steering upside down.
“That way when it’s time to get back into the car you won’t burn your fingerprints off on the wheel.”
Users of the social media site took to the comments section to praise the solution.
One said: “Wow, this is amazing.”
Another posted: “And if you lock your steering wheel it’s hard for people to steal your car either way it’s a win-win.”
While a third added: “Any tips for the gears that also gets very heated up on days like this?”
The advice was also shared with US drivers on KFV12’s Heartland News show.
It said: “That sunshine sure is nice but it sure can heat up the inside of your car, especially that steering wheel making it very hot whenever you get back in your car after a day of it sitting out in the sun.
“Here is a very simple life hack to get you through spring and summer and never have to once touch that hot steering wheel, check it out.
“All you have to do is turn your wheel around before you put it in park so it’s upside down and then when you get back in to head out you just turn it the right way and you never have to touch that hot steering wheel.”
Can I be fined for driving using only one hand?

There are many important rules and regulations on the road that are designed to ensure the safety of those using it.
One of these is ensuring control of the vehicle at all times. Here are the rules regarding holding the steering wheel while driving.
According to rule 160 of the Highway Code, you should “drive or ride with both hands on the wheel or handlebars where possible”.
It adds: “This will help you to remain in full control of the vehicle at all times.
“You may use driver assistance systems while you are driving.
“Make sure you use any system according to the manufacturer’s instructions.”
The rule states “you should” rather than “you must”.
Rules that begin with “you must” are a legal requirement.
According to the Government, “many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence.
“You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving.
“In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison.”
Violating rules that begin with “you should/should not” is not an automatic criminal offence.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be fined if you’re found to have broken one of the 307 regulations.
Even taking off a hand to make a simple “thank you” gesture could land you with a fine.
If it can be proved that you have been driving dangerously, without due care and attention, or caused an accident, due to driving with just one hand on the steering you can receive a hefty fine, receive points, or face being prosecuted or disqualified.
Brit drivers might also want to familiarise themselves with Rule 237 of the Highway Code, which says vehicle cabins must be kept well-ventilated at all times.
In November 2023, Toyota unveiled a futuristic-looking steering device… and it could pave the way for the next era of the motors industry.
It looks similar to what you would find in a Formula One car… or a very high-performing sports car.
Meanwhile, the RAC has revealed a steering wheel tip, particularly for bad weather.
Drivers should
grip your steering wheel firmly with both hands to improve your car control.
It’s also advisable to keep enough room either side of your vehicle so you can account for it being blown sideways, while also being aware of gaps between trees, buildings or bridges where you are more likely to be exposed to side winds.
Motorists, you need to maintain this particular part of your car or risk a fine or even having your licence taken away.