
Gravitational time dilation is the key to next-generation wireless … – Digital Journal

Google says spyware was slipped onto smartphones in Italy and Kazakhstan with the help of mobile interent service providers who cut off service so users could be tricked with messages offering to fix the problem. – Copyright International Trachoma Initiative/AFP Danny HADDAD

The company Clowd Foundry has developed and patented the world’s first wireless communications system that is not based on the electromagnetic spectrum. Instead, Clowd Foundry’s new wireless communications system is based on gravitational time dilation. The technology introduces the ability to provide multi-point transmission and receipt of data.

The new technology has been termed: “Wireless communication and imaging system (“WCIS”)”.

The new technology will be used on next-generation digital communications. In contrast to this latest development, current wireless communications systems are based on the useful electromagnetic spectrum. This space for communication is commonly seen as over-crowded, extremely limited in terms of future capacity, and expensive. There are increased pressures from current and next-generation mobile communications.

In terms of the basis for the development, gravitational time dilation is described as a form of time dilation, an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers situated at varying distances from a gravitating mass. As an example, time is established as moving faster the farther away you are from the Earth’s surface compared to the time on the surface of the Earth (or, in other words, Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts that where gravity is stronger, time passes more slowly).

The physics of gravitational time dilation have previously been characterised and established. There are also current global applications. For example, gravitational time dilation plays a fundamental role in correcting for the differential between clocks in the Global Positioning System’s satellites and ground-based systems.

In addition, GPS satellite-based systems already utilize a non-communications aspect of gravitational time dilation in their algorithms every day to provide the location accuracy needed by mobile devices in a wide array of applications, including maps.

The system involves a receiver and one or more transmitters. The process is:

“A speed of time measured by one clock in a synchronized array of clocks, with the clock tracked relative to the other clocks. The transmitter includes a constellation of masses.  A relative position of individual ones of the masses of the constellation of masses (with respect to one another) encodes digital data that is sensed by the receiver in the form of a gravity field change that causes a difference in the speed of clocks measured and utilized by the quantifiable receiver which clock speed differential corresponds to and enables the replication of the original digital data set that was input into the transmitter.”

Going forwards, it is expected that Clowd Foundry’s technology will be used on next-generation digital communications without using the electromagnetic spectrum. An additional application is with applying the technology to imaging the internal mass structure of an object by using a transmitter and receiver system based on gravitational time dilation.

The technology also introduces the ability to provide multi-point transmission and receipt of data utilizing gravitation time dilation, enabling multi-party, wireless communications.


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