
How to Trade Crypto Like the Best Stock Investor of All Time – Palm Beach Research Group

When most people think of the greatest investor of all time, usually one name pops up…

I’m talking about Warren Buffett.

Buffett is known for popularizing the term “wide moat” in stock investing.

In simply means he looks for businesses with certain features that make them very difficult to compete with.

Industry leaders such as Apple, Coca-Cola, and rail companies all have wide moats.

This investment philosophy has made Buffett one of the most successful investors in history.

Today, Buffett is worth $115 billion, and he’s the sixth-richest person in the world.

However from 1988–2018, one man beat the pants off Buffett…

If you’d given Buffett $1,000 to invest in 1988, it would’ve grown to $100,000.

That’s 100x your money. Not too shabby.

But the same $1,000 invested with this other money manager in 1988 would’ve grown to $20 million.

That’s a staggering 20,000x return. Or 200x better than what you would’ve made on the same $1,000 invested with Buffett.

Who is this man? How did he outperform the great Warren Buffett? And how can we use his strategy to rip massive gains from crypto in days instead of years?

I’ll tell you today…

Using Machines to Profit From Markets

The individual I’m talking about is Jim Simons. He’s the manager of the Renaissance Technologies hedge fund. 

His Medallion Fund is famous for achieving the best continuous returns in history. Between 1994 and 2014, it generated average returns of above 71.8%. 

If you placed a $10,000 investment in the Medallion Fund 30 years ago, it would be worth about $138 million today.

By comparison, putting that same $10,000 in the S&P 500 over that span would be worth around just $167,400 today.

Not only does that crush Buffett’s performance, but all the famous investors of our time – George Soros, Peter Lynch, Steve Cohen, and Ray Dalio.

So what’s behind Simons’ success?

Renaissance Technologies is intensely secretive about its specific trading strategy. What we do know is part of its secret sauce involves “machine learning.”

Machine learning is a subset of the larger category of artificial intelligence (AI).

It uses algorithms to identify patterns… make decisions… and improve AI models through experience and data. 

It’s an elegant and brilliant strategy…

The Medallion fund hires a host of brilliant mathematicians and computer scientists – none of which have Wall Street experience. Instead they use AI models to make short-term bets in the financial markets.

The special thing about these AI trading strategies is they can use decades of data analysis to predict which stocks will move up and down with startling accuracy.

This secret sauce has allowed the Medallion Fund to generate billions of dollars in profits, whether stocks are going up, down, or sideways.

Here’s why I’m telling you this…

Several months ago, I presented my team with an unusual challenge.

I told them to find a way to replicate the most lucrative AI trading strategies for stocks and apply them to the crypto market.

After a monthslong search costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in man-hours, my team finally found a way to bring AI to crypto.

Bringing Machine Learning to Crypto

From the beginning, I’ve told my readers that crypto will be the most volatile investment you ever own. It’s like riding a wild bull.

I’ve had times when all of my crypto trades were in the red… and not just a little bit, but by a lot.

It’s not fun.

For years, I’ve been looking for a way to accelerate the explosive gains you can make from crypto – without all the crazy ups and downs of the crypto market.

So I recruited an AI researcher from Carnegie Mellon University to help me develop an AI large language model.

This researcher is using the same type of AI that’s powering Big Tech, including Elon Musk’s self-driving Tesla cars.

And now that we’ve filed a patent on it, I can introduce this AI model to the world.

It’s called C.O.N.A.N.

That stands for Crypto Optimization Neural Artificial Network.

C.O.N.A.N processes 4 gigabytes of data each day representing 200 different data points for each cryptocurrency. And has so far processed 4 terabytes over its lifetime.

Its data includes everything from price and volume… to liquidity… to concentration risk… and even social media activity related to the underlying assets.

Data doesn’t lie. That means C.O.N.A.N can “see” all of it. Far more than a single human can.

Through our backtesting, we determined that the strongest signals are generated within a 60-day cycle.

That means we can expect up to 25x moves higher in the underlying asset within 60 days of receiving the signal… not the normal two tumultuous years we’ve had to wait in the past.

Right now, C.O.N.A.N says we’re in one of those 60-day profit windows. And it’s just triggered three new buy alerts.

Last week, I held a special presentation to unveil C.O.N.A.N. During the event, I shared the first-ever crypto trade from C.O.N.A.N… completely free of charge.

I believe this free pick will have the potential to make you as much as 25x on your money in 60 days.

Friends, I’m proud that my team has been able to crack open this market for everyday investors.

But in order to preserve the performance of the service, I have to limit the number of people who can access C.O.N.A.N. So you must act quickly if you want to get your hands on this transformative technology.

Let me explain why…

You Must Act Now

In 2005, Jim Simons had to close the Medallion Fund to outsiders. He noticed its performance was suffering because there were too many people in the fund.

That is why today, it’s only open to employees and family members.

Limiting access to the fund was how he preserved his staggering performance numbers. That is why I must limit how many of my readers can access C.O.N.A.N.

I have over a half-million subscribers across the world. If I opened C.O.N.A.N to all of them, the profits from the signals would degrade dramatically. And I’m not going to let that happen.

For that reason, I have to limit this service to a maximum of 8,000 members. That’s less than 2% of my readership.

So if you want to be among this exclusive club that will have access to the first AI-enabled crypto trading service of its kind, click here to learn how to become a charter member.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T


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