A Sunshine Coast virtual reality business from humble beginnings has plans to take its innovative technology global – as it breaks down cinematic barriers offering a futuristic experience indulging all of the senses like never before. See the video.
The groundbreaking tech start-up has benefited from the latest round of a grants program helping Queensland businesses take their product global.
HavenXR technology merges physical and virtual by mixing cinematic storytelling, virtual reality, and deep sensory immersion through temperature, smell, and movement.
Now, it plans to break into the Malaysian market.
Sunshine Coast technology business HavenXR goes global. Picture – supplied.
“HavenXR is the next evolution of cinema, using original content and pushing technological boundaries to deliver fully immersive cinematic adventures,” HavenXR CEO Tracy Whitelaw said.
“Our ‘movies’ are experienced through our location-based virtual reality centres, with the first one opening in Kuala Lumpur later this year and the second closely followed in Singapore.
“HavenXR’s unique combination of virtual and extended reality production processes bring a new innovative industry to the Sunshine Coast.”
HavenXR chief executive and co-founder Tracy Whitelaw. Picture – contributed.
HavenXR is a joint partnership between Queensland based businesses Tribus345 and Josephmark. There are four founders: Tracy Whitelaw and Ken Minnikin from Tribus345 and Ben Johnston and Matt McCauley from Jospehmark.
Mr Johnston and Mr McCauly have been long time collaborators and owners at Josephmark, a global design and creative agency, and recently a strong venture partner business.
Sunshine Coast technology business HavenXR goes global. Picture – supplied.
The four met while working on the Brisbane event Curiocity and realised the potential in the location based virtual reality space. This led to a shared passion to bring HavenXR to life.
“The plan is to open 30 HavenXR centres in Southeast Asia over three years and a potential 200 in China in five years.”
Exports for the Australian creative industries sector are predicted to be worth $16 billion by 2030, representing 400 per cent growth in just over a decade.
The first HavenXR sensory immersive movie will premiere on the Sunshine Coast later this year.
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