
Labour activists stage protest meters away from pro-Palestine mob attempting to confront PM on campaign visit

LABOUR activists stood alongside a pro-Palestine mob which had to be held back by cops while targeting Rishi Sunak.

Local campaigners in Cannock Chase, Staffs, protested just meters from a 50-person anti-Israel demonstration outside the South Staffordshire College while the PM met teachers and students last Friday.

Labour activists stood just metres from pro-Palestine campaigners as they tried to swarm the PM's motorcade


Labour activists stood just metres from pro-Palestine campaigners as they tried to swarm the PM’s motorcade

Furious activists chanted for a “free Palestine” and used megaphones to shout at the Tory leader before being moved back by police while attempting to gather around Mr Sunak’s car.

Meanwhile, members and councillors from Sir Keir Starmer’s party launched their own protest by massing at the doors of the college where young students and school leavers take apprenticeship courses.

Labour figures at the march included local council chair Steve Thornley and Councillor Dale Bilbie, who was spotted standing behind an activist brandishing a vile sign claiming “Sunak supports genocide.”

Campaigners from the party also held pictures of MP candidate Josh Newbury, who will attempt to unseat ex-Tory chair Amanda Milling on July 4.

The police operation delayed Mr Sunak from entering the college as cops tried to calm the keffiyeh-donning group.

Tory deputy chairman Craig Tracey MP said: “It is truly shocking that Labour activists have joined forces with a hateful mob at a place of education where young people are learning.

“No matter how many times Sir Keir Starmer tries to tell you that he’s changed his party, they clearly still pose as much threat as they did under Jeremy Corbyn.”

Labour sources last night insisted the protests were separate events and left after the PM entered the college.

They added the councillors had no knowledge a pro-Palestine mob would also arrive after they planned their own small gathering.

Cannock Chase is a key target for Labour but they must overturn a 19,000 majority to win the seat.

It has returned a Conservative MP at every election since 2010.

Labour councillor Dale Bilbie, right, is seen standing behind a sign accusing Rishi Sunak of supporting genocide


Labour councillor Dale Bilbie, right, is seen standing behind a sign accusing Rishi Sunak of supporting genocide
Labour sources insisted the group left after Mr Sunak went inside to avoid any hostility


Labour sources insisted the group left after Mr Sunak went inside to avoid any hostility


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