
Letter: Good news, bad news on Project 2025 – Chico Enterprise-Record

I have good news — and bad news.

The bad news is that Project 2025, published by the Heritage Foundation, is a blueprint for transforming governmental operations of the Executive Branch into an autocratic regime. It includes plans to restrict non-partisan civil service employment (page 112), eliminate cabinet departments like Homeland Security (page 165) and Education (page 319), and ensure that conception is recognized as the beginning of legally-protected human life (page 450), which would end use of in-vitro fertilization techniques.

The good news is the document (posted on the internet for your reading convenience) is narrow-minded, hypocritical, replete with untrue assertions of “fact,” and full of cliches. Its flaws are apparent to those who conduct even cursory fact-checks.

Here is one example of its over-blown characterizations, on the subject of the world’s climate emergency:

“The Left has a love affair with environmental extremism … It is not a political cause but a pseudo-religion meant to baptize liberals’ ruthless pursuit of absolute power in the holy water of environmental Virtue.” Remember, this name-calling is delivered by a think tank that gets extensive financial support from fossil fuel corporations.

Apparently, “absolute power” is a good thing so long as a “conservative’ president occupies the White House.  In Project 2025’s view, governmental control over private decisions is fine when applied to a woman’s right to make decisions about her body.  And, despite railing against “centralized” governmental spending, there is no mention of cutting billions (with a B) of dollars of subsidies given to oil and gas companies by taxpayers.

— Robin Dizard, Chico



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