
Letter: Public transportation needed to live independently – Bismarck Tribune

My name is Trevor, and I need public transportation to live independently in Bismarck, and to remain a disability advocate for people living in both Bismarck and Mandan. I support Mike Connelly for the Bismarck City Commission because he supports public transportation. Without public transportation I would face isolation and my ability to advocate for all individuals that struggle like I do would lose my voice. Mike worked with people like me in both Bismarck and Mandan because public transportation and Transit funding is not keeping pace with community needs. He taught groups of us about the initiated measure process, how to form sub-committees, about collection signatures, and promotion. In Mandan, citizens like me collected enough signatures to have a measure placed on the primary ballot (June 11th). I encourage Mandan residents to vote “YES” on Measure 1, so people like me have a place in our communities! The Bismarck measure will be on the ballot in November after the few remaining signatures are collected. Transit and Public Transportation are an essential service and badly needed. I use transit to attend meetings in Bismarck and Mandan, go to church, make medical appointments, leisure, and enjoying time with family and friends. Mike Connelly is the number one person who stands up for disabled individuals like me.

Bismarck-Mandan disability advocate


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