
Listen to the fan's hum

While the AC may do a better job of cooling, the gentle sounds of the ceiling fan are blissful. Its susurrations – a mixture of rustling of leaves and gurgling of a stream – is a subtle, profound source of pleasure that you value the most when you can’t hear it.

Imagine a hot summer afternoon, and you, nestled in your favourite chair. The ceiling fan above spins lazily – crazily – its rhythmic hum drowning out the world’s cacophony. But it makes more than just white noise. It’s also a noise-canceller that protects you from the loudness outside seeping in.

The rustling of its fins is the perfect recipe for lazy weekends, and the comforting presence of home. Each blurred rotation is a reminder of the constancy and reliability in a world that often feels chaos incarnate.

There’s a meditative quality to the sound, a repetitive ‘Om’ made of pure and literal swish. The metronomic whisper is soothing. It’s the perfect backdrop for reading a good book, daydreaming or sinking into a snooze. The fan’s breeze is a tactile pleasure that adds to the auditory dhun.


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