
Planned unit development redeems builder's goof – Park Rapids Enterprise

The Park Rapids City Council approved zoning and planning approvals Tuesday, Sept. 26, bringing two nonconforming homes in line with city code.

Under its consent agenda, the council approved the second reading of an ordinance rezoning two single-family homes at 607 and 615 Middle Ave. S. from R-1 single-family residential to planned unit development (PUD).

The Headwaters Housing Housing Development Corporation (HHDC), which owns the two houses, also requested a conditional use permit (CUP) for a PUD general concept and development plan for the homes.

City Planner Ben Oleson said this would allow the houses to be located approximately 11 and 12 feet from the road right-of-way, instead of the minimum 35 feet required in an R-1 district.

Oleson said the city’s planning commission discussed this request at their August meeting and recommended the council’s approval.

In a recap of the background of this request, Oleson said the original site plan for the houses’ building permit indicated the setback requirement would be made. Somehow, a mistake in the building process led to them being built closer to the road.

City council member Bob Wills asked if any action had been taken to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

“We are making sure that people stake their properties,” said Oleson, “and then, I go out there and check those before we issue a permit for something.”

He said applicants are ultimately responsible to meet their setback requirements. “Even if we do go make that check with the stakes, there is still the possibility that those stakes get moved or knocked down, or somebody can make a mistake in the building process.”

He said this could happen at any point up to the moment concrete is poured, “but we’re trying to minimize that possibility.”

Asked whether the developers had to pay a penalty, City Administrator Angel Weasner said the city developed an agreement with the HHDC for reparations.

“That ordinance change, to create the planned unit development district, was not done for these two properties,” Oleson added. “It was done to create some flexibility for developments for a broad range of the city.”

Council member Tim Little said the city has some nonconforming lots that can now be built on, with the advent of the PUD district.

Oleson said that was the point of the zoning district, “to recognize that there are lots out there that are challenges for whatever reason. Because they’re small and old, created many years ago, or topography or environmental features that the people are trying to work around. It does give that flexibility while also having some guidelines and some limitations in place.”

Wills made a motion to approve the CUP. This passed 4-0, absent council member Liz Stone.

In consent items and general business, the council:

  • Appointed Zelda Novak to the city’s parks and beautification board.
  • Paid Aquacide Co. $13,400 for sewer pond treatment chemicals.
  • Paid BIR Performance Driving School $2,100 for emergency vehicle operations coursework for four police officers, a mandatory training on a cyclical time frame.
  • Paid Genesis Lamp Corp. $1,807 for airport equipment repair parts.
  • Paid Hawkins, Inc., $3,003 for water treatment chemicals.
  • Paid Hoffman Electric, Inc., $2,868 for emergency repair of a sewer lift station.
  • Paid Motorola Solutions $26,314 for five portable radios for the police department, complete with service plans, multikey encryption, etc.
  • Paid Swanston Equipment Corp. $69,675 for a new Bobcat toolcat with a 68-inch, heavy-duty bucket for the parks department. According to a staff memo, the old toolcat will be transferred to the airport.
  • Paid White Cap, L.P., $5,875 for the rental of equipment (a patcher and a melter applicator) for street maintenance June 5-21.
  • Authorized city staff to open a 13-month CD with $100,000 from public library designated funds, with a 4.91% interest rate.
  • Acknowledged donations to the city as of Sept. 26, totaling $183.
  • Approved payables totaling $159,656 and prepaids totaling $254,342.

The city council’s next meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, at city hall.

Robin Fish is a staff reporter at the Park Rapids Enterprise. Contact him at rfish@parkrapidsenterprise.com or 218-252-3053.


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