
Rid yourself of prejudice

The readers must have encountered the phrase ‘curate’s egg’ – something that’s neither good nor bad. Nothing in this world is completely good or bad. There are shades and hues in between. There’s a famous Swedish proverb, ‘There’s nothing so bad that there’s not some good in it.’ This must be taken as a metaphor. Life could be wholesome if we develop this attitude of seeing the good side of even a seemingly bad thing.

We often suffer and crib because we only look at the bad things, aspects and facets. This makes us negative and fills our hearts with depressing thoughts. Never forget that there’s a silver lining to every cloud. Moreover, nature hasn’t made anyone or anything absolutely bad.

When Arjun approached the dying Bhishm and requested the grand patriarch to give him some wisdom, Bhishm told his favourite great-grandson to look at all possible dimensions of a person and situation.

When we look at things holistically, we encounter good, bad, not-so-good and not-so-bad. That makes us liberal and open-minded. Expecting only the good qualities in a person may disillusion us in the long run. Likewise, expecting only the bad things might prevent us from going for something or someone that might eventually prove far better.

Good might turn out to be bad, and vice versa. Day and night, black and white, left and right, friendship and fight are juxtaposed. Broaden your vision to accept all without a scintilla of prejudice and presuppositions.


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