
The Storage Bin Hack For Seamless Food Transportation – Daily Meal

When done properly, this hack will make it easy to carry all of your items in at once so that you don’t have to take multiple trips or pull anyone away from the party to help transport dishes. It’s an especially useful hack if you will be arriving at the party solo and won’t have an extra set of hands to assist with transporting food.

If you’re providing the bulk of the food and thus have a whole bunch of separate dishes, it might be tempting to load them all into one storage bin. But while that might seem like the quickest idea, you don’t want to make it so heavy that it becomes a whole other kind of hazard. Overloading the bin to the point where you end up struggling with it could cause you to trip and fall or even throw your back out, so be sure to avoid that. 

Placement during the drive is also key. You don’t want to set the storage bin just anywhere. The trunk or hatchback is generally the best place, but you can also set it on a seat — just be sure to secure the bin with a seat belt.


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