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There's no opposition

Mind sees things in black and white – nothing in between. Day and night, nothing in between. Life and death, nothing in between. Love and hate, nothing in between. Mind simply divides, splits, cuts a thing into two separate, polar realities, makes them so contradictory that it seems impossible that there could be a way that they are not separate, that they could be one reality.

The mind has taken only the two ends of one reality. That’s how it is. Logically, love and hate are opposites, contradictory, but existentially that’s not true. Love can move easily into hate without any barrier. Hate can move into love just like waves moving into other waves with no barriers anywhere.

It is our idea that light and dark are two, contradictory realities. That’s not true. There is no opposition. At the most we can say the light is less dark, and darkness is less light. But we have to use something that makes only a difference of degrees and does not create any contradiction…. All distinctions are man-made – existence is distinctionless.

Once we start thinking of a distinctionless, one reality – not dividing into dualities, dichotomies – the cross from our mind can disappear. Nobody else has crucified you; you are yourself responsible, because you can put the cross away from you and your whole mind can become one.

Gold Nuggets, courtesy: Osho International Foundation, www.osho.com


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